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Henry Lever 22LR, 18.25″ Barrel, American Walnut Stock, 15 Shot


SKU: 619835001009 Category:


Classic western-style lever action. Features walnut stock. side ejection. Adjustable rear sight. Hooded front sight. Grooved receiver. Blued steel barrel with multiple groove rifling. Tubular magazine.The Henry Lever Action .22 is a classic western-style lever action.Every single part is made in the U.S.A. It features an extremelyattractive American walnut stock, The action is exceptionally smooth.The Henry Lever Action .22 also features side ejection, an adjustablerear sight, hooded front sight and a grooved receiver for easy scopemounting. Blued steel barrel features state of the art multiplegroove rifling.Weight: 5 1/4 lbs.Category : RiflesAction : LeverCaliber : 22 Short/Long/Long RifleBarrel Length : 18.3″Capacity : 15+1Trigger : Single-StageSafety : HammerOAL : 36.5″Weight : 5.25 lbsStock Description : WalnutMetal Finish : Blued